Session 10

When doing the right thing gets you in trouble

From 1 Samuel: A 6-Week Devotional

1 Samuel 19 tells of a guy with a serious lifestyle problem. Saul was jealous and not able to control his emotions—to the point of intending to kill David...more than once. The more David served and brought benefit to the king, the more the king despised him. Sometimes, the consequences of our actions aren’t logical. We do what we think is right, only to suffer because of it. David needed help.

First, the king’s son, Jonathan, intervened with his father and tried to reason with the murderous king. For a moment, in 1 Samuel 19:6, Saul relented saying, “As surely as the LORD lives, David will not be put to death.”

God steps in for us in the form of family, friends, and others who care about us.

Soon, another war called David to fight for his king. David performed so well in battle that Saul returned to his jealousy and tried to kill David (1 Samuel 19:10). So, David’s wife, Michal, intervened, and David escaped.

Later, Saul and his men were overcome by the “Spirit of God,” changing them from deadly attackers to people shouting prophecy—even the king himself (1 Samuel 19:18-24).

David was doing the right thing but getting nowhere with the king. He needed help. God stepped in through Jonathan, then Michal, then through His own Spirit. Likewise, God steps in for us in the form of family, friends, and others who care about us...and, sometimes, through a supernatural miracle only explained by His direct action.


  • What is one area where you need God’s help?  
  • Who do you go to when you need help?

If you want to build relationships with people who will be there when you need help, join a Group.

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