Session 17

Don’t let distraction stop you from seeing the miracle

From Mark: A 6-Week Devotional

Living in this broken world can easily harden our hearts to the joy and peace and miracles God gives us each day. Sin is all over the place, and Satan is the ultimate craftsman when it comes to creating distractions that prevent us from seeing God at work in our world. Often, Satan uses distraction and difficulty to take our eyes off of Jesus.

In Mark 6:45-56, we see that even the disciples were easily distracted and oblivious to the miracles that Jesus was performing right in front of their eyes. They were too busy and overwhelmed by the storm to see the miracle or appreciate it for all its worth.  

Storms and rough seasons are the best distractions Satan uses to take our eyes off of Jesus and all that He is doing in our lives. The disciples were so focused on the storm they were in the middle of that they almost missed Jesus walking right by their boat on the water. Can you imagine missing a miracle as incredible as that one?

In order to not miss out on even the smallest of miracles, we must position our hearts to keep our eyes on Jesus even in the biggest of storms. Taking our eyes off Jesus gives Satan the opportunity to distract us and leave us feeling hopeless and hardened. One way to stay focused on Jesus is to constantly remind ourselves of His past miracles and of the ways He has brought us through storms in the past. Jesus always has His eyes on us.


  • When was a time you can remember when the storm you were in distracted you from recognizing Jesus?
  • What is one way you can better prepare your heart to be in a position that allows you to see the miracles even in the midst of a storm or rough season?
  • Take a moment and reflect on past miracles that you’ve seen God perform in your life or in the lives around you. Celebrate and remember those miracles to open your eyes to the miracles God could perform in the future.

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