Session 7

Are you protecting your marriage?

From Song of Solomon: A-17 Day Devotional

With 50 percent of marriages ending in divorce, it's clear that many of us are not equipped for the challenges we encounter in marriage.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We can succeed in marriage if we know how to prepare for the journey.

In Song of Solomon 3:6-10, the groom has lovingly crafted an ornate carriage, surrounded by an entourage of well-armed warriors, to retrieve his bride for their wedding day. He has clearly planned ahead, providing his bride with love, respect, and protection.  

In Song of Solomon 2:15, the groom says “Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards,” because the enemy is sly and cunning, like a fox who nibbles at a fruitful plant until it's destroyed. The enemy will attack from every direction, even in the seemingly small things, in an attempt to spoil God’s best for us (John 10:10).

The enemy attacks us through petty arguments about work, family, and money. He slowly nibbles at our relationship by turning our attention from love and respect to busyness and irritation. He sneaks into our bedrooms through pornography, addictions, unforgiveness, and affairs.

Protecting our marriages means preparing well like the groom in Song of Solomon. We can stand firm against the enemy when we have the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17) sharpened and at our side, ready to use it on the "little foxes" the moment they rear their heads. Through Jesus, we can be victorious!


  • If you're married, can you identify one “little fox” that is nibbling away at your marriage?
  • If you're single, what is one way you are preparing to honor and protect your future marriage?


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