Session 21

How do you know who to trust?

From 2 Samuel: A 5-Week Devotional

Do you know someone who will say one thing but do another? It can be pretty annoying. Whether it’s doing your fair share of a school or work project or keeping a promise to a friend, people that are trustworthy are always appreciated. But, we live in a culture where people don’t always practice what they preach, and many times Christians are no different. 

In 2 Samuel 15, Absalom is outside the city gate trying to trick and win people over with his outward appearance and personality. He lied and sweet-talked his way into the Israelites’ hearts, while his true motives remained hidden. He said all the right things, but was dishonoring his own father.

We are all human, and we all like getting what we want, so it is no surprise that we have to fight the temptation to use our charisma to get our way and things that benefit us and our own selfish wants. But we are called to be better than that! 

 It’s wise to weigh other people’s character and their true motives before placing our trust in them.

This common temptation means we should also be careful about who we trust. It’s wise to weigh other people’s character and their true motives before placing our trust in them. Do their actions match their words? Does what they are doing appear right, but when we look a little deeper it’s actually wrong — as with Absalom? 

When we take the time to examine others' intentions, as well our own intentions, we open the door to real relationships that will last. And God can take healthy relationships full of integrity and use them to show us His love and draw us closer to Him. 


  • Do people know the real you, or do you use a fake personality or “wall” to win people over? Can people see God through you when you do that?
  • Is there something you need to do to be honest about who you are?
  • Is there anyone you should re-think about putting your trust in?

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