Session 10

Who do you run to?

From Daniel: A 14-Day Devotional


Daniel 9

As kids, we ran to our parents’ room to escape the monsters under the bed. But what becomes our safe place as we get older?

Where do you turn when you’re scared, you get bad news, or your world falls apart? Some run to a friend or a special place. Some try to hide by getting lost in a TV show or movie. Others numb the pain by leaning on alcohol and other substances. 

In Daniel 9, Daniel gets devastating news. Jerusalem, the city he loves, must lie desolate for 70 years. But instead of running from the fear and pain, Daniel turns to the Lord. Daniel 9:3 says, “So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with Him in prayer and petition…” 

When bad things happen, our first instinct is often to run. We beg God to remove us from the situation as quickly and as pain-free as possible. But Daniel doesn’t do that. Instead, he acknowledges that God’s punishment is deserved and takes responsibility for Israel’s disobedience (Daniel 9:5-14). Then, Daniel repents and asks for forgiveness (Daniel 9:15-16). 

We have to face reality to change reality. 

Allowing ourselves to experience grief over our sin is the first step to moving past it. Not numbing or running from conviction is the spiritual equivalent of shining a light under the bed. By allowing ourselves to see the situation as it is, we can begin the process of replacing what the lies we believed with the truth of the Bible. We have to face reality to change reality. 

When we rush to get out from under the pain, we miss out on what God wants to do in our pain. As Daniel was praying, a messenger from God reminded him, “... you are very precious to God” (Daniel 9:23). 

Israel experienced the consequences of their behavior, but it didn’t last forever and it put an end to their sin (Daniel 9:24). Like Daniel, you are precious to your Father in heaven. God hears you, and He loves you too much to let sin remain. 

  • Where is your go-to place? Why do you feel safe there? 
  • What is something you can do to remind yourself to go to God before anything else?
  • How is the Lord using your current season to show more of Himself to you? 

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