Session 9

Find strength in the most unexpected place

From 2 Corinthians: 21-Day Bible Study

Weak and strong are opposites, right? By definition, when we are weak, we are not strong. At any given time, we can feel weak in hundreds of ways — inadequate, unqualified, unable, in over our heads, overwhelmed, and on and on. In the midst of all this muck, being strong seems very unlikely. 

But in 2 Corinthians 12, Paul says these two opposites — weak and strong — work together, not in opposition. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “[The Lord’s] power is made perfect in weakness.” Let that sink in. 

The all-surpassing power of God is made perfect, in weakness. The places we are most feeble, are the best platform for the Lord to show His perfect strength. God can be most clearly seen when we stop our boasting and grandstanding — when we stop trying to prove to the world we can muscle up and push our way through. When there is no way, God shows up and blows all of our minds.

When we want to hide away, God comes and shows how perfect He is and how much He can do.

It is easy to hide behind the best parts of us. It is easy to show the world the beautiful and perfect. But in the lumps and bumps, in the hard parts that make us want to hide away, God comes and shows how perfect He is and how much He can do.

Today, let’s choose to embrace what God can do when we are at our worst. Let’s trust God will be strong in us.


  • Where do you feel weak today? What area are you tempted to hide away? Ask God to specifically show you how strong He is in those areas.
  • Who is one person you can talk to about your weaknesses? Who is one person who can point out God’s strength in your weakness even if you can’t always see it? When can you talk with them this week?

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