Everything you need to know about Holy Week

In 2016, Apple gave us its greatest contribution to photograph yet: portrait mode. They should have named it "pretty mode" for the way it blurs the background, autofocuses the subject, and smooths all those fine lines and wrinkles. 

Portrait mode shifts our perspective, drawing our eyes to the person in the picture. Portraits are a powerful tool to capture a moment or an expression, but they don’t show us the complete story. 

Sometimes, we read the Bible like we’re reading in portrait mode. When we focus on the events of one chapter and lose sight of how those events fit into the rest of a person’s story. 

Just like portraits have their place in photography, there’s nothing wrong with a close reading of Scripture. 

But when we zoom out on Holy Week, we can start to see how the man that crowds welcomed into Jerusalem as a king could end up on a cross by the end of the week. 

This infographic presents a timeline of what happening during the last week of Jesus’ earthly life. Want to learn more? Read day by day through the events of Holy Week.

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