Session 1

You have access to a wealth of wisdom

From Proverbs: A 31-Day Devotional


Proverbs 4

Everyone wants to believe the myth of control. We believe we are in control of our lives, until something happens and we’re not.

Turns out, the people in our lives who have “been there and done that” know what they're talking about. With every token of advice in Proverbs 4, the father basically reminds his son, “listen to me because I love you and I've been there.”

We receive a wealth of wisdom by listening to the people God places in our lives. We all need wise people in our lives. Wisdom comes in many forms: words from a parent, grandparent, Fuse group leader, mentor, or friend. Older, godly people can offer the gift of perspective communicated in love.

There are those who are wicked who will attempt to deceive and derail us with their advice, but if we heed the words of the wise, we will be successful. This is why the father warns his son to be selective with who he listens to.

All advice is not created equal. Value the words of those who love Jesus and love you. Let their words carry more weight.

We mature in our faith the same way we mature in life. We learn from those who go before us. Then, we act in accordance to their advice, guarding our hearts, guarding our mouths, keeping focused on what’s ahead, and not losing focus. And as we grow, pass the same wisdom we’ve received on to others. And before we know it, we’re leading others in love just as we were led.


  • Do you have at least one person who loves Jesus and loves you that you can turn to for wisdom? Who is it?
  • Is there any area of your life where you struggle to guard your heart and keep focused? What’s one habit you can start building today to help you not lose focus?
  • Think of all of the wisdom that helped get you where you are today. How can you pass along what you’ve learned about God and life with the younger people in your life?

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What's happening at NewSpring Church?

  • Need to Know: Weekly email to keep you informed about what's happening at NewSpring
  • Fuse News: Email for Fuse parents sent on the first Monday of the month
  • KidSpring Scoop: Email sent each Friday with the scoop on what's happening in KidSpring.
  • Read My Bible: Daily devotional sent via text from 6-7am
