Session 11

Why you should marry your best friend

From Song of Solomon: A-17 Day Devotional

You finally get the first date with your crush. You spend hours getting ready, daydreaming about how perfect everything will be. Nervously you wonder, “What will I say? Will he like me?”

New love feels so exciting and fun. Everything the other person does is cute. Just hearing her name makes you smile. He’s so handsome. She’s so beautiful. It feels so right; surely you’ll be together forever.

But, feelings are just that — feelings. Feelings are fleeting. One reason Solomon and his wife experienced such an intimate relationship is because it was founded on more than physical attraction. They were best friends.

It takes time to develop a deep friendship with a person. The excitement of love can cause us to overlook important factors in compatibility. Do you have similar interests, share the same beliefs, and hold the same values? Does God’s calling on your lives compliment each other? Is this a person you can do life with for the rest of your life?  

Our looks, jobs, interests, and health can change over time. But marriage is a lifetime commitment. Take the time to form a friendship that will grow with you. A marriage built on more than feelings will not only survive challenges and changes, it will thrive.


  • When you think about what makes someone a good friend, what characteristics come to mind?
  • What is one thing you can do to be a better friend to your husband or wife this week?

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