5 Ways to Make Your Life Not Boring

Radical. Different. Weird. Full. Do these adjectives describe your life? What about powerful? Way too often, our lives are painfully normal, or at least mine is.

Read through the four accounts of Jesus’s life (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), and all of these characteristics are present. If Jesus lived such a radical life, such a world-changing life, and we are supposed to be just like Him (Ephesians 5:1), where is the power? Where is the adventure we all desire?

5 Ways to Make Your Life Not Boring:

1. Follow Jesus
When I say follow Jesus, I mean actually live like He lived. Look in the Bible at John 10:10; Jesus says to those who follow Him that He has come so that we may have life and have it to the full. Are you living? I mean really living a full life. If not, maybe you are not following Jesus. Just look at what He did while on earth—crazy and radical was an everyday occurrence. You do not have to live a boring and normal life because Jesus didn’t, and He is offering you His life (Galatians 2:20).

2. Read Your Bible and Obey
Despite all of our attempts over the years to tame the Bible, it is anything but tame. Read through some of the stories this week. Abraham left his family and home to go to a place unknown, Joseph rose from a slave to second in power in Egypt, David slayed a giant, Jesus rose from the dead, and Paul traveled all over the world telling people about Jesus. Why do we settle for, “I’m just kind of hanging on”? I dare you to read the Bible this week (check out a reading plan here), and start obeying what you read. EVERYTHING in your life will change.

3. Serve in the Church
Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 that He is building His Church, and even the “gates of Hell” will not overcome it. For 2,000 years, the Church has been exploding across the world and celebrating Jesus’ kingdom and power. Are you missing out on power in your life (1 Corinthians 4:20)? Stop talking about the church and join one. The Church is Jesus’ plan and His plans never fail. Why don’t you join the adventure by serving in one today?

4. Give Generously
Psalm 112:5 says good will come to those who are generous. Try it out this week: be generous, tithe to the local church, pay for somebody’s meal, or give money away. God guarantees the generous that their life will be better than the life of the stingy. Try it.

5. Join A Group
Stop trying to live life by yourself; you are created for community. Sign up for a group today at newspring.cc/groups, and get involved with what God is doing in your neighborhood. A lonely life is a boring life; join a group of radical Jesus followers today.

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