Tithing Was A Triumph Of Trust

Alex Dresko’s Story

If there was a doubt, it lasted only a moment.

Newly jobless, Alex Dresko wrote the tithe check on his severance and rounded up the total to the nearest thousand, just for good measure.

I never imagined I'd find so much fulfillment in the Lord

For some time, Alex had resisted giving the first 10 percent of his income to God. Now, after a few months of actually tithing, he wasn’t going to let a setback shake his new confidence in God.

Gathering his Group around, they prayed over the check before sending it on its way.

“It was a really triumphant moment to put that check in the offering plate,” Alex says.

Within that week, he had received three job offers — one of which turned into his current position as a lead software developer. His salary increased 40 percent.

Two years later, Alex says tithing was the turning point in his faith that led to a series of next steps, including serving. His relationship with Jesus is closer now than ever.

“I never imagined I'd find so much fulfillment in the Lord,” he says. “I am 100 percent all in.”

Sharing your story is a simple and powerful way to tell people about Jesus.

Sharing your story is a simple and powerful way to tell people about Jesus. By talking about what Jesus has done for you, it’s like joining a conversation God is already having with them.