Session 1

How determined are you?

From Daniel: A 14-Day Devotional


Daniel 1

When you hear the word “resolve,” what comes to mind? Maybe you pictured a determined athlete, a 2-year-old who doesn’t want to back down, or the cancer patient who battles for years. 

The dictionary describes resolve as “firm determination.” We often associate resolve with reaching the highest level of a sport or field of study, or persevering through a diagnosis. But it also takes resolve to stay the course spiritually. 

Daniel shows what spiritual resolve looks like. Daniel, an Israelite, is chosen to join the king’s service. With this new role, Daniel faced pressure to compromise his Jewish standards and fit into the Babylonian culture. But “...Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine” (Daniel 1:8). 

Daniel knew what he was being asked to eat and drink went against God’s commands. It would have been easy to partake in the meal and appease his new bosses, but Daniel knew this would be wrong in God’s eyes. 

Daniel knew God, knew His Word and was fixed on God’s purpose. So when faced with an uncomfortable — and potentially costly decision — Daniel didn’t have to wrestle with what to do. Though it took courage to follow through, the decision not to defile himself was clear. 

Like Daniel, we need to know God’s Word then be intentional in our obedience to it. This is where resolve comes in. 

The culture we live in isn’t always conducive to our values as Christians. Though knowing and wanting to do what is right is important, it’s only the first step. We need to resolve to carry out our beliefs even when the pressure is on.

  • Where does resolve come from?
  • When was the last time you found yourself torn between obeying God’s Word and going along with everyone? What, if anything, would you do differently today?
  • Is there an area of your life where you need more resolve?

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